Permanent Laser
Hair Removal Clinic Delhi NCR
Laser hair removal
Delhi represents a revolution in hair removal by
disabling hundreds of hair follicles in seconds and by promising
long lasting results.
Mortifying waxing experiences. Goopy at-home
creams. Last-minute bikini season shaving. When it comes to removing
unwanted body hair, you’ve put yourself through the ringer. But with
Empathy's Light Sheer
Laser Hair Removal
treatment, you’ll say goodbye to everyday shaving – and get used to
skin that’s smooth and stubble-free.
What can I expect from laser hair
At Empathy Laser
Hair Removal Clinic, we have performed
more than 1 lakh laser hair removal delhi treatments. Quite simply, we
know what works – and we’re leaders in our field. Our team ensures
that our methods and training programs exceed industry standards,
and we’re constantly evolving to meet our clients’ needs. So you can
be confident that you’re getting the safest, most effective
treatment at the best possible value.
After completing the treatment, clients
describe the experience as nothing short of a lifestyle change; most
can’t believe they ever spent so much time and money bothering with
razors, creames or waxing.
How does laser hair removal work?
Our Light Sheer laser hair removal system
uses a combination of energy and heat to destroy follicles without
harming the skin around them. After a series of sessions, you’ll
experience permanent hair reduction. Depending which area(s) you
decide to treat, you’ll always be ready to slip into a swimsuit,
won’t have to think about razor burn or irritation, and will stop
worrying about unsightly ingrown hairs.
How long does laser hair removal
You have millions of hair follicles in your
body, all of which cycle through different phases. Laser hair
removal can only treat a certain percentage of those follicles at a
time (those that are in the active phase), so it must be done at
varied intervals. Because no two bodies are the same, your treatment
plan will be tailored specifically to you, but we typically
recommend at least eight to ten laser hair removal sessions.

How should I prepare for laser hair
laser hair removal, nobody will know
you’re undergoing treatment (unless, of course, you want them to).
Laser hair removal sessions can be as short as fifteen minutes, and
we just ask that you stay out of the sun, shave the area to be
treated; and avoid using lotions, creams or products, for optimum
What does laser hair removal feel
Most clients describe the sensation as a
mild “hot pinch,” similar to the feeling of being snapped with a
rubber band. In most cases, the sensation goes away almost
Who qualifies for laser hair removal?
We customize your laser hair removal
treatment to match your hair color, skin color and type.
As part of your package purchase, you also
obtain an Specific Plan Membership. Once the initial Two-Year
Specific Plan has expired, this Membership allows you to receive
discounted treatment rates if you decide continued service is
needed. Membership pricing applies only to areas previously treated.
Please see your Clinic Manager for specific details.
What type of laser do you
We carry the latest models of the Light Sheer laser
(Diode laser, top XC Model) and the Epilight (Intense Pulsed
Light). Both of these lasers are FDA approved for permanent
hair reduction and have been shown to provide excellent
results with all types of hair and skin colors.
Which laser is right for me?
Depending on your skin tone and color, and the
coarsness and darkness of your hair, the doctor will decide
which laser would be best for your specific needs. However,
we prefer to use the Light Sheer on most of our patients
because it is faster, and provides extra skin cooling
protection via it's chill tip.
What does laser hair removal feel
It is very important to protect the top layers of
the skin from becoming too hot during a laser treatment.
Many lasers have different cooling mechanisms to protect the
top skin, however, none of them can match the cooling
protection which is provided by the Light Sheer's contact
cooling Chill Tip. The tip of the Light Sheer is made of
saphire which conducts heat very quickly. This saphire tip
is constantly cooled to 5 degrees by the control of the
laser's computer. When the tip of the laser is placed on the
skin, it cools down the upper layer of the skin and protects
it from getting too hot. This allows us to use higher
energies at a safe level, and thus obtain better results.
- Accredited by Gold Skin Care Centre ,USA
- In technical collaboration with Lumenis, USA (the
pioneers of laser technology)
- Under the supervision of Dermatologists & laser
- Introducing Hi-speed LightSheer Duet from Lumenis,
USA for faster treatment. Enables treatment of complete
back and legs in just 15 minutes
- Combination of Nd:Yag & Diode Lasers, lasers from
America and US : FDA approved for Indian skin type.
- Safer, faster and painless.
The root of the
Hair grows in cycles, and many factors influence
its growth, Age, ethnicity, medications, hormones
levels, and even location of the hair on the body
influence the length, coarseness and colour of hair
- Anagen is the active growing phase in which
the hair bulb is intact. The hair grows in both
directions, upward and downwards
- Catagen is the regression phase when the
lower part of the hair stops growing but is not
shed, and the body absorbs the lower third of
the follicle.
- Telogen is the resting phase. The hair bulb
is no longer present and is now a club hair
which will fall out or be pushed out of the
follicle by the new anagen growing hair .
Laser roots it out for
Laser hair removal is a non invasive procedure, by which
unwanted hair are removed from any part of the body by
utilizing a long pulsed laser.
The laser parameters are carefully defined by studying
the anatomy of the hair follicle and precisely matching the
laser light and pulse duration to the follicle size, depth
and location to inhibit the re-growth of the hair. Laser
hair removal technique helps in facial hair removal and
permanent hair removal.
Laser hair removal is performed by a specially - trained
laser technician or a doctor, who directs the light of a
long pulsed laser onto the skin. Since other hair will enter
their growth cycle at different times, several sessions are
necessary to destroy all the follicles in a treatment area.
Suitable for all
Both men and women seek laser hair removal to get
unwanted hair removed. Hair removal is commonly done on the
hairline, eyebrow, top of the nose, side burn, upper & lower
lip, chin, ear lobe, face, neck, nape, shoulders, back,,
underarm, abdomen, buttocks, public area, bikini lines,
thighs, breast, arms, legs, hands, and toes.
Lasting reduction
The US : FDA has approved the process as "Permanent
Reduction" which means that one shouldn't expect laser to
remove every single hair from an area. Some might need touch
up treatments once or twice a year after the initial set of
treatments for any new growth the body may develop.
Hair less but not
Following precautions are expected from a patient during
the course of the entire treatment.
- No waxing or removing hair from the root by any
other way.
- After treatment is completed, aloe vera should be
applied to soothe the skin.
- Exfoliating and/or scrubbing gently in the shower
with a loofa after the treatment may help speed up the
shedding process of hair.
How long before I can
flaunt my new look?
The number of treatments depends on the skin and hair
colour, density and coarseness of the hair as well as the
specific area to be treated. On an average , 5 - 7
treatments, scheduled 4 to 6 weeks apart will approximately
reduce hair growth by 70 - 90 % .
Additional session might be required to eliminate the
hair that come out of the dormant phase and become active
Will there be any side
There are no lasting side effects of laser hair removal
on a healthy body. However , one might experience the
following immediately after the treatment:
- Normal itching during the treatment
- Temporary Redness
- Temporary Swelling
- Pain, Tingling or Feeling of Numbness
How about reducing the
density of the hair and not completely removing them?
Yes, This can be achieved. Please contact our doctors who
will help you with the process and consult accordingly.

Laser Hair
Removal Clinic In Delhi and NCR
The laser hair removal system a work
using the principal of selective photothermolysis, in
which a carefully timed pulse of laser energy passes
through the skin and is absorbed and converted to heat
energy at the hair follicle. Because of 800nm wavelength
laser light penetrates deeper.
Laser Hair Removal works best in lighter
skinned, darker haired patients. Because the target
chromophore in hair follicles is melanin pigment, less
laser energy is absorbed by the skin and more by the
hair follicle. Tanned skin also "robs" laser energy as
it passes through the skin to the hair follicle. The
Diode lasers are less dependent on skin
color than the ruby and alexandrite lasers. Because the
pigment in the hair is the target for the laser energy,
gray or white hair (which lacks pigment) cannot be
effectively treated with any laser or
light-based device.
Multiple laser treatments are necessary for best
results: Laser energy has its greatest effect
on growing, or anagen hair follicles; as the dormant, or
telogen hairs become active, usually within 3 weeks to 3
months, some new hair growth will be observed. Usually
at least 3 treatments over the course of a year will be
necessary for satisfactory, long-lasting results. The
female face, armpits, and bikini lines are areas which
respond fastest to laser hair treatments-
backs, arms and legs usually need more treatments over
time. The scalp is very resistant to treatment.
Repeated laser treatments appear to induce a
permanent hair reduction in the amount of
visible hair: Although current studies have shown a
"permanent" reduction in hair growth, some hair regrowth
may occur over time, although this is usually much
slower and much finer than before treatment. Imagine a
garden overgrown with weeds-after the first few weeding
sessions, only occasional "touch-ups" are needed. True
"permanent" "total" hair removal may be possible with
repeated treatments over time.
- The area to be treated may be clipped or shaved,
and a cooling gel is applied. For small, curved
areas, such as the chin, a grid is marked out
directly on the skin, and on larger, flatter areas,
such as the bikini line, chest, or back, a
transparent plastic guide grid is placed over the
gel to assure even treatment.
- Laser pulses are then applied over the marked
area. Discomfort ranges from absent, in
light-skinned individuals with coarse hair, to mild
stinging in patients with darker skin or more hair
follicles. An anesthetic cream can be used
before treatments in extremely sensitive patients.
- In the weeks following treatment, hair shafts
may extrude from the damaged follicles, and may
mimic the appearance of regrowth. These may be left
to fall out, or they may simply be plucked. The area
can be treated again when dormant follicles become
active, usually about a month on the face,
and longer for other body areas.
Before |
After |
Hair does not have to be grown out, and should not be
plucked or few weaks before this removes the hair shaft
and decreases the effect of the laser. Please inform us
if you are taking any medications, using any
prescription creams or ointments such as Renova or
Retin-A, or if you are pregnant.
The New Look Laser Clinic is using
Medio Star High Power Diode Laser Which is
USFDA-approved safe and effective for Laser Hair
Reduction. Clinical trials have shown good
reduction in hair count after a single treatment, with
complete destruction of most actively growing hair
follicles. Indications are that this laser system may
yield the most "permanent" hair removal,
in the sense that individual hairs are gone forever. As
with other laser hair removal systems,
multiple treatments are necessary, and gray or white
hairs are resistant to treatment. In our experience,
we've seen no skin discoloration or blistering, even in
patients with very dark skin. Discomfort during
treatment depends on the thickness of hair in the areas
to be treated. Discomfort can be managed by decreasing
the fluence (which may make more treatments necessary),
cooling the skin with ice packs just before treatment,
or applying anesthetic cream when necessary. For
extremely sensitive areas, such as dense, coarse facial
hair, local anaesthetic can be used.
pattern facial hair in a female, pre-treatment
(left), 2 months after 3 Medio after Medio Star High
Power Diode Laser Treatments |
About Hair:
Hair is a dermal appendage found almost
everywhere on the human body except the palms, soles, and
lips. Vellus hairs are fine, colorless hairs ("peachfuzz")
covering most of the body, except those areas covered with
Terminal hairs, which are coarse pigmented hairs found on
the scalp and eyebrows. Vellus hairs can transform into
terminal hairs when stimulated by androgens (male sex
hormones), especially those on the face, back, chest,
abdomen, axillae (armpits) and genitalia at puberty. Vellus
hairs can tranform into terminal hairs with aging. The
number of hair follicles present in the skin is fixed at
The hair shaft is composed of the protein
keratin and is produced in the lower part of the follicle,
or bulb. The middle part of the follicle contains the
opening for a sebaceous gland, the attachment of the
arrector pilii muscle, and a thickened area in the root
sheath called the "bulge", which is believed to contain stem
cells important for regeneration of the hair follicle.
Melanin is produced in the bulb and possibly in the bulge,
and concentrated in the hair shaft and upper part of the
bulb. Depending on the thickness of the skin, the bulb may
be as deep as 7mm, below the skin in the subcutaneous
tissue. Actively growing, or anagen hair follicles are
longest and deepest, while follicles just coming out of
dormancy, the bulb is much more superficial (see hair cycle,
Melanin is the pigment which gives both hair and skin its
color. Much more melanin is present in hair than in skin,
and this property allows relatively more absorption of laser
light energy in hair than in skin (see below). Hair color is
determined not only by the absolute amount of melanin, but
by the relative amounts of black-brown eumelanin and reddish
brown pheomelanin, and refraction of light within the layers
of the hair shaft itself.
Hair growth cycle: Hair growth occurs in cycles
throughout an individual's lifetime. Active hair growth is
called Anagen, and the length of the anagen phase determines
the length of the hair. Scalp hairs may remain in the anagen
for up to 3 years. Hair follicles then enter Catagen, a
phase of regression which lasts a few weeks. The Telogen, or
resting phase, can last for months, depending inversely on
the number of actively growing hairs in the area, ie. the
scalp has a shorter telogen phase than the chest. As anagen
resumes, the hair follicle lengthens, the bulb descends
deeper into the skin, and the old hair shaft is gradually
shed. In humans, individual hair follicles are more or less
independent, with most hairs in anagen at any given time. In
animals which shed their hair, the follicles cycle more or
less simultaneously.
Body Site |
% Anagen (growing) hairs |
%Telogen (resting) hairs |
Duration of Telogen |
Follicle Density |
Depth of Follicle |
Scalp |
85% |
15% |
3 months |
350/ |
5-7 mm |
Beard |
70% |
30% |
10 weeks |
500/ |
2-4 mm |
Upper Lip |
65% |
35% |
6 weeks |
500/ |
1-2.5 mm |
Axilla (armpit) |
30% |
70% |
3 months |
65/ |
4-5mm |
Chest/Back |
30% |
70% |
3 months |
70/ |
2-5mm |
Breasts |
30% |
70% |
4 months |
70/ |
2-4mm |
Arms |
20% |
80% |
5 months |
80/ |
2-4mm |
Legs |
20% |
80% |
6 months |
60/ |
2-4.5 mm |
Bikini/Pubic |
30% |
70% |
3 months |
70/ |
4-5 mm |
Physical Basis for Laser Hair
Removal: Laser Hair Removal is based on the
principle of selective photothermolysis, in which energy is
delivered to the treatment area in such a manner as to
maximize tissue damage to the hair follicle while sparing
the skin and surrounding tissue. Melanin pigment makes a
logical target chromophore, because it's most abundant in
the hair bulb, which is believed to be the most important
target for hair removal, much less abundant in epidermis,
even in dark-skinned patients, and it absorbs well in the
skin's "optical window" between 600-900nm.
Wavelengths under 600nm are strongly
absorbed by hemoglobin and protein (scatter), and
wavelengths above 900nm are strongly absorbed by water in
tissue. Skin is relatively "transparent" in the 600-900nm
range, with melanin-bearing structures as the most
attractive target for laser energy.
Melanin absorption decreases with increasing wavelength.
Ruby laser light at 694nm is strongly absorbed by melanin,
not only in hair but in epidermis, so epidermal melanin
content limits the depth of penetration and energy fluence
that can be used without unacceptable thermal injury to the
skin. Nd:YAG laser light at 1064nm is much less strongly
absorbed by melanin as well as other chromophores present in
skin, and therefore penetrates much more deeply and with
minimal epidermal reaction and collateral heating. These
properties can be exploited clinically, as outlined below.
Diode Laser: Solid state 800nm
diode lasers feature a longer wavelength and pulsewidth,
theoretically offering an advantage in treating darker
skinned patients. The Aesculap-Meditec MeDioStar has
obtained the USFDA approved for Permananent hair reduction.
Q-Switched Nd:YAG: With a wavelength of 1064nm,
relatively low melanin absorption, and skin penetration up
to 5mm, the Nd:YAG laser is an excellent choice for laser
hair removal, at least in theory. However, the
nanosecond-range pulse width of the Q-Switched YAG is
thousands of times too short to cause complete disruption of
the hair follicle, resulting in prompt hair regrowth. In
order to enhance absorption of energy, a suspension of
carbon particles can applied before treatment, usually after
hair removal by waxing, allowing the carbon suspension to
penetrate into the follicle and conduct absorbed laser
energy to the follicular structures, as in theThermolase
SoftLight system. Although safe for darker-skinned patients
and effective for short term hair reduction, the Q-Switched
Nd:YAG is generally considered the least effective laser for
long-term hair reduction.
Photodynamic Therapy: In photodynamic therapy a
photosensitizing compound is applied topically to
hair-bearing skin after waxing, to allow the compound to
enter the now-empty hair follicle. The area is then
irradiated with laser light to activate the photosensitizer,
which releases toxic oxygen radicals that damage the hair
follicles. Currently in the investigational stage,
preliminary studies have demonstrated up to 40% hair loss at
6 months after a single treatment. Photodynamic therapy has
been used with limited success for certain malignant tumors,
but the lack of safe, effective, selective photosensitizers
have limited its use.
Practical Aspects of Laser Hair Removal:
Preoperative evaluation: The most important
consideration with Laser Hair Removal is
the patient's skin type and hair color. The differential
absorption of melanin in the hair follicle and melanin in
the epidermis determines the amount of energy that can be
safely used. The Ideal Patient has light (type I) skin with
black hair, and a patient with very dark (type VI) skin with
white or grey hair would have little if any response.
Presumably because of the absence of melanin, no currently
available device works well in patients with canites, or
grey hair.
Skin Type |
Skin Color |
Tanning History |
I |
very fair, "transparent" |
Always burns, never tans |
II |
fair |
Always burns, tans with difficulty |
fair to light olive |
Burns mildly, tans slowly |
IV |
olive to brown |
Rarely burns, tans with ease |
V |
dark brown |
Very rarely burns, tans very easily |
VI |
black |
Never burns, tans very easily |
An underlying cause for the excess hair,
if present, should be corrected. These causes may include
endocrine abnormalities and medication effect, including
minoxidil, steroids, oral contraceptives, and some
immunosuppressive agents.
Contraindications to Laser Hair Reduction
include patients who have healed poorly after other types of
laser treatments, patients prone to skin discoloration,
patients with grey or white hair, and patients who are
pregnant. There's no scientific evidence to suggest that
laser light used in hair removal can injure a fetus, but the
question of injury will not arise should any fetal problems
occur. Patients who are tanned should wait for the tan to
fade for best results, and patients using photosensitizing
medication such as Accutane, tetracycline, or Retin-A should
discontinue the medication weeks, and for Accutane, months
before treatment. Herpes Simplex Labialis (fever blisters)
can be activated by Laser Hair Removal, especially on the
upper lip, and patients with a tendency for fever blistering
can be started on antiviral medication before treatment.
Preoperative preparation: Hair should not be plucked
or waxed before treatment. This removes the hair shaft from
the follicle, thus removing most of the melanin chromophore.
Hair may be shaved, which preserves the chromophore in the
follicle, and prevent dispersion of energy by external hair.
Lotions, cosmetics, and other skin preparations should be
avoided on the day of treatment.
Postoperative care: In most cases, little specific
postoperative care is necessary. Mild burning sensations and
redness can be treated with ice packs and oral pain
medication. In cases where blistering occurs, topical
antibiotic cream and a non-adherent dressing can be applied.
Sun exposure should be avoided, and an SPF 15 or greater
sunblock should be used. Moisturizing lotions and makeup may
be applied the next day. During the weeks after treatment,
damaged hair follicles and hair shafts are extruded or shed,
and may be misinterpreted as early regrowth of hair. This is
especially noticeable in areas with thick, coarse hair.
Efficacy of Laser Hair Removal: The "permanence" of
Laser Hair Removal is often called into
question. In practice, no laser destroys all of the hair
follicles. Some follicles are destroyed, others are
miniaturized into vellus hairs, and some are shocked into
prolonged dormancy. Multiple treatments are needed for best
results, and the best interval for treatment is when new
hair regrowth is observed, usually 6 to 12 weeks after the
first treatment, and 3 to 6 months after the second
treatment. In most cases there will be visible improvement
within a week after the first treatment. Repeat treatments
can be performed at suitable intervals.
It's possible that with a sufficient number of treatments,
true "permanent hair removal" can be
ultimately achieved, but not for every single hair present
in a given area. As an example, only 30% of hair follicles
on the back are in anagen (active growth) at a given
time-70% of the hair follicles are in telogen (dormant),
even though they may contain visible hairs. Assuming a
single laser treatment permanently eliminates every actively
growing follicle (the actual figure may be closer to half),
70% of the hair follicles originally present may eventually
sprout visible hair. After 3 months (the average length of
dormancy on the back), 30% of the remaing follicles will
enter anagen, and if a second laser treatment eliminates
every actively growing follicle (30% of the 70% remaining
after the first treatment), then only an additional 21% of
the original hair follicles will be destroyed, leaving 49%
of the original hair follicles able to regrow visible hair.
A third treatment will leave 34% of the orginal follicles, a
fourth 24%, and so on. In actual practice, some of the
follicles are shocked into prolonged dormancy, or converted
to vellus hairs, so the visible effect is greater than
suggested by the percentages. Experience to date with
laser hair reduction suggests that the hair
reduction achieved is "permanent".